A More NATO Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan

An American-led coalition soldier has been killed in recent clashes in southern…

Make sure the DNA tests Hitler Jewish Descent

DNA tests revealed that the German Nazi leader Adolf Hitler had Jewish blood an…

Dian Al-Mahri Mosque

Dian Al-Mahri Mosque is a mosque built on the edge of roadway in District Ciner…

Nato: Two Coalition Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan

KABUL - Two Coalition Soldiers in Afghanistan were killed in separate battles …

U.S. forces killed six puppets bombed

PESHAWAR - A bomb exploded in the northwestern region of Pakistan today. The ex…

Mosque Development Controversy in Former WTC

development plan of the mosque and Islamic center near ground zero, New York, c…

Does Obama is a Moslem?

More and more U.S. citizens who believe Obama's a Muslim. The result of the…

SOS Seminarkan “Budak Jalanan” Di Inggris

LONDON ( Arrahmah.com ) – Bulan Ramadhan tidak menghalangi kaum Muslimin di Lo…

masa muda yang melalaikan

Wahai Diriku engkau telah menghabiskan umurmu dalam sendau gurau,sementara oran…