Imam: Islamic Center Ground Zero is not the Holy Land
Imam: Islamic Center Ground Zero is not the Holy Land
Imam who led the development plans of Islamic centers near Ground Zero reject the argument of September 11 victim survivors that he was trying to build a "holy land" in New York. "This is really a lie ... that the block will be the 'holy land'," said Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, who stated that the area is common area, a bustling commercial district. Many critics further, claiming that the mosque's position so close to Ground Zero is considered as support for 'terrorism'. Abdul Rauf, who spoke before the Council on Foreign Relations in New York, said that people who hate Islam has led to debate and disseminate false information and dangerous steriotep. "I regret that some people have misunderstood our intentions. I am very sad that in this hot political season, some have exploited the issue for their own political agenda," he said. The priest refused to say whether he might move further away from the Islamic Center Ground Zero, at the request of opponents of this plan, but indicated that he is considering this. "We're exploring all options as we speak now, and we worked through what would be a solution, God willing, that will alleviate this crisis," said Abdul Rauf. "All of the above plan." He said that "the world witnessed what we're doing here" and that it is important to "live according to our future goals." Thousands of people march in New York on Saturday when the ninth commemoration of 9 / 11, to protest and oppose the project.