Scholarship Guidelines

Help Us Help You Find Scholarships

Basic Scholarship Guidelines

These days it seems you can find just about anything on the internet, including college scholarship money. Since the advent of the World Wide Web, free information has become steadily more accessible and plentiful and we have made it a point to provide as much accurate scholarship information as possible, including basic scholarship guidelines we hope will keep you on the road to free money for college, working daily to make our database the most accurate, complete scholarship database on the internet. We do this with the help of scholarship providers and visitors to So many people have been willing to take a few minutes to let us know what they like best about our site and, sometimes more importantly, what could be improved and this has made all the difference in the information we are able to offer and the free scholarship search we provide. Below are a few basic steps you can follow if you use our site and would like to help us to continue to improve it.

If you are someone who is using to find money for college, be sure to review your results thoroughly before contacting us with suggestions and then, if you have questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

  1. Read Summaries.

    Be sure to read the award summaries for each scholarship in your search results before you contact the provider. Also, you might want to sort the results by due date, as you might like to know which ones are due right away so you can go after those first. This is a particularly effective strategy if you are getting a later start searching for money, as there are fewer opportunities as the year wears on.
  2. Relevance

    At times, you might be wondering why you are seeing a particular scholarship listed among your search results. If this is the case, just glance at the upper left side of the award page. You will see your profile and, just below that, a list of criteria by which you were matched with this particular scholarship award. If you see a criterion you feel is inaccurate or ambiguous, please let us know and we will look into it.
  3. A Little Help?’s free college scholarship search and financial aid information is the product of many years of refinement and effort, aided by participation on the part of scholarship providers and searchers alike. If you have a problem, let us know. If you love our site, don’t be shy, either. We love all forms of feedback and take great pride in the fact that we are constantly improving with the help of those who benefit most from our service. Knowing what we are doing right and on what we might improve are the keys to our continued growth and success.
  4. Be Specific.

    Please be sure to give us particulars when emailing us with any and all comments or suggestions. If your comment or question concerns a particular award, give us the Scholarship ID Number and articulate what the problem is. We will investigate and, if appropriate, make the appropriate changes. If you get an error message, let us know what page you were on when you got the error (taken straight from the URL bar at the top of your browser window- i.e. Copy and paste the text from the error you have received into the body of your email. It is very rare that this sort of thing happens, but if it does, this will help us correct the problem much more quickly.
  5. Suggest Away. We’re Listening.

    Nobody can work and continue to improve in a vacuum. We have, over the years, received a lot of email that has helped us shape the site you see today at We take this type of correspondence very seriously and make every effort to implement any and all reasonable suggestions. It may take weeks or even months, depending upon the suggestion or request, but if we see the merit in it and/or get enough requests for it, it will get done.

These are just a few ways I think we can continue to improve the service we provide. It is perfectly natural and more than understandable to become frustrated with the process of paying for your (or finding a way to pay for your child’s) post-secondary education. However, you have to find a way to count to ten and convince yourself that it is not insurmountable- that you can and will do it. And if we are able to help you accomplish this goal don’t hesitate to let us know how we have and/or can best help you to help yourself.

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