East Java

Banyuwangi, East Java people are still confined to a very strong tradition, not just Banyuwangi, East Java, but overall, I'm sorry for the people even though I own NU NU people, always looking nasab-nasab.sekarang nasab and we think it so why nasab important, the son of a kyai (gus) is so easy to ask for anything in the desire, most certainly can get, with issues such as looking for a wife, I expressed that because a lot of stories that happened to real, whether people are good science (pi) but because nasabnya is the only child of farmers, traders, fishermen, they were rejected, many of the reasons given, on the grounds that his son already spoken for by others, but very clearly he has not spoken for by others, why, what if it happened to me that in fact also is the son of a farmer.I himself who had studied religion at the cabin Krapyak yogyakarta, but only briefly out because problems ... and now I am very impressed with the style of salafi propaganda although I never went to the salafi ....

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